it’s not plagiarism if you cite your source

November 1, 2010

one of the blogs i try to keep up with is adrienne martini’s.
she has two excellent templates for getting a blog post out there:
“many things make a post”
and, my personal favorite,
“shameless self-promotion.”

today i shall synthesize them for my own shameless, misdirected blog entry.

what the hell!
i think i’ll also make a list like the yarn harlot!

1. i desperately need to destash. in doing so i hope to regain some precious square footage and maybe some even more precious cash.

2. one of the goals i have for my blog is to get it to the number one spot on the first google page when you search for “bitches get stitches.” when i search now, it’s at either 3 or 4. this is unacceptable. as i understand it, people linking to my website ( can help move me up the list. must work on this.

3. it’s been a while since i’ve done a giveaway and i feel the itch. though it may be just my chest hair growing back in after my halloween costume i suppose.

4. i think i have figured out a way to kill a few birds with one cyber stone:

the fourth bitches get stitches giveaway!

the rules:
1. add me to your blogroll
2. comment with a link as proof
3. that comment becomes your number and you’re entered!

if you’ve already added me to your blogroll,
you’re one step ahead of the game.

if you don’t have a blog, get creative!
follow me on twitter
or tweet your favorite bitches get stitches post.
i’ll be flexible.

just leave a comment letting me know/linking to confirm.

the winner will get to pick a skein from my destash pile.

the yarns from right to left:
1. socks that rock heavyweight by blue moon fiber arts in the “fall on tap” colorway.

2. tosh worsted (now known as tosh dk) by madelinetosh yarns in the “thyme” colorway

3. tosh worsted (now known as tosh dk) by madelinetosh yarns in the “norway spruce” colorway

4. tosh sock by madelinetosh yarns in the “bungalow” colorway

5. seduction by blue moon fiber arts in the “oregon red clover honey” colorway (a fave skein of mine *sigh*)

6. caper sock by string theory in the “vert” colorway

7. “naturally dyed sock yarn”, 100% superwash merino, 100g/380yds by abundant yarn and dyeworks in the “neon bible” colorway

8. some hand dyed yarn by woven art. the label reads “treadsoft, 100% superwash merino, ~4 ounces ~490 yards.

the winner will be chosen on friday by some random number generator.

who’s in?

ugh i just realized my friend anna is going to disapprove of this shamelessness and call me annie modesitt or something.

oh well.

edit: a winner has been drawn. thanks for playing!

48 Responses to “it’s not plagiarism if you cite your source”

  1. Karen C Says:

    Bitch, the picture of you smiling should have been posted – you were SMOKIN!!! *mwah*

  2. Glen Says:

    oooh tasty fibers……

  3. Glen Says:

    oooh….. TASTY FIBERS!!!!

  4. Bonnie Says:

    I follow you through Google Reader. May your Google number increase! I don’t want you to give up one of your favorite skeins though; keep Oregon Red Clover Honey for yourself!

  5. kimberly Says:

    I’ve had you on my Blogroll-linklist since forever πŸ˜›

    Righthand side of my blog, your the 2nd one from the top on my linklist πŸ™‚

    I’m already choosing my skein..haha

  6. wanabelle100 Says:

    yarns look gorgeous!
    Added to blogroll at

  7. Faye Says:

    Uh-oh, looks like you’re already on my blogroll–and you’ve got good company there to boot!

    Now, what happens if I plagiarize your plagiarizing?

  8. multicrafty Says:

    You’re on my list!

  9. misa Says:

    You’ve been added! Blogroll on right hand side.

    I don’t think it’s shameless self promotion at all. I run a little giveaway once in awhile, not sure how much good it actually does. Some of the winners never come back or maybe they just go back to lurking. I’ve realized I don’t care… that much.

    PS. I’ll be out of the country starting on the 5th with limited email access should I be a super-lucky- winner.

  10. Jenn Says:

    I follow you on Google Reader AND Twitter AND I work with you so I guess that makes me extra special?

  11. Cheryl Says:

    I confess I’m a Yarn Harlot fan but that whole lace controversy really suckered me in and now I’m a BIG fan! Oh, and I’m crushing on #1.

    You’re added to my Blogroll links.

  12. Yvonne Says:

    I can’t believe I never updated my blogroll. Egads.

    Now you’re at the top of the list!

  13. Sheri Says:

    I have avoided the whole blog thing, I’m too much of an underachiever to enlist a following of avid readers these days. Once upon a time…

    In any case, I tweeted your post. ID: SovereignCrux on Twitter. Did I mention I loathe Twitter? See that means you’re extra special because I actually used Twitter just for you.

    Now gimme yarn. Gimme. Gimme. Gimme. It NEEDS me. I will hug it and squeeze it and pet it and keep it for my very own (well, until it grows up into something knitted). XD


  14. Jana Says:

    Hey I’ve been reading you for a while and haven’t piped up yet — love your style, both in writing and in rabid knitting. πŸ™‚

    I’ve added you to my blogroll over at

    This also works out for me since I’ve been meaning to update my blogroll for some time! (I started using Google Reader and it’s been downhill from there… sigh!)

    All those yarns look amazing. Megadrool!

  15. Becky L. Says:

    You’ve been on my roll for awhile! I love giveaways! πŸ˜€ Bottom right. :]

  16. knittaroo Says:

    Now that’s a nice giveaway!
    I’m new to the whole blogging thing and need to get organised, but I added you to my blogroll at
    Good luck getting to place 1 in the google search!

  17. eclecticitee Says:

    I’ve been subscribed forever, you’re also added to my blogroll at , under Daily Fiber.

    Love those yarns!


  18. Sarah Says:

    Steven, darling, of course I follow you!

    By the way, have you noticed that I’m giving away some handspun on my blog. (Not the Koi Pond, sorry!)

  19. Belinda Says:

    Ok, I’m a pretty-yarn whore so I’m going to figure out how to use Twitter if it kills me.

    I can’t put you on my blogroll (I had to google what one was) because I don’t have a blog. I feel so old!

  20. Seacow Says:

    I stuck you on the blog roll. I didn’t even know blogger had a blog roll ability so thanks for the information! <– on the right side

  21. globalite76 Says:

    Hi! I’m following you on twitter! Love the Twitpic of Mo. πŸ˜‰

  22. V. Says:

    Great idea, lover.

  23. Hilary Says:

    I’ve been reading you via my blogroll using Google Reader, but I just added you to my “amicae et inspirantes” list on my bloggy — Yay!

  24. Laurel Says:

    Added you to my blogroll at … Now to write a new post of my own.

  25. Anastey Says:

    I tweeted on skittlezthemalk! Love your blog, I wish I had started following it sooner, you really crack me up lol

  26. Trisha Blowers Says:

    I’ve been following you on Google Reader for a bit of time, but I *did* add you to my blog roll as well…

    I also – after your “ball sack” post – linked you on my Facebook page because I loved it so. But, you’ll just have to trust me on that since it’s a private page. πŸ™‚

  27. kris Says:

    I added you to my bloglist it makes reading your blog so much easier. Have a lovely day.

  28. […] ps (to the readers). what? like you don’t talk to your knitting. sheesh. go enter my contest already […]

  29. kc Says:

    hey! I just recently started reading your blog (not even sure how I found you…? hmm.) and I linked you at my site & just now followed you on twitter πŸ™‚ yayness!

  30. lori Says:

    you’re in my google reader, and posts show up in my google reader widget in the sidebar! also followed you on twitter. πŸ™‚

  31. kiwionaleash Says:

    I’m all for shameless promotions….and free stuff. You’ve been on my roll for while (that sounded so dirty).

  32. Alison Says:

    I was just about to add your blog to my list anyway so I could properly stalk it. (Not you, the blog. It’s not creepy that way.)
    My blog:

  33. Fran Says:

    Bugger, I don’t have a blog, though I read yours almost daily…………otherwise I would add you to my blogroll……….you are definitely top of the opos for me!!!!

  34. Chia Says:

    I disabled my blog so I’m now following on Twitter instead as monkalicious. I hate destashing…it’s so hard to choose!
    monkalicious from Rav

  35. Julia Says:

    I follow you on Ravelry but now I’ve added you to my blog roll, not sure why that wasn’t done sooner…You have a lovely stash by the way, I’d really like to get my hands on some of that πŸ˜‰

  36. Julia Says:

    I’ve been following you on Ravelry but now I’ve added you to my blogroll, not sure why that wasn’t done before…you have a lovely stash by the way, I’d love to get my hands on some of that πŸ˜‰

  37. Heather Says:

    You’ve been on my blogroll ever since you made something for the Yarn Harlot and you were so nervous about giving it to her in person! I can’t remember how I found that, but I’ve been following you ever since – I follow you on twitter, too! (btw what does your twitter name mean?)

  38. Miranda Ettinger Says:

    I don’t have a blog, but I have you bookmarked. And I’ve subscribed. I hope that counts!

  39. Annette Says:

    If you type into google “Google Webmaster Tools” it will come back with a google code you can put in your website’s header that google will use when webcrawling. This basically will put your site automatically on top of the list when people google for it πŸ™‚

  40. woolydaisy Says:

    damn i hope i didn’t miss the contest- i added you to my blogroll after reading your fabulous piece on rinebeck.

    p.s. i’ve always wanting to learn to quilt-but i think my kitting is just too jealous!!!!

  41. woolydaisy Says:

    plus i told my facebook friends about you:)

  42. Zelda Says:

    Done! and I put Anna up there too, so I have stolen the high horse away πŸ™‚

  43. woolydaisy Says:

    okay okay-i know i’m paranoid but my name is my link-i didn’t put my link in my comment-here it is just in case-

    when is the drawing already?

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