not a slacker

November 16, 2009

school has been giving me palpitations lately and a complex cocktail of home cookin’, generic anti-anxiety medication, and general stitchery has kept me mostly sane and stable.

some finished stuff:
one hat made for kevin that i hated and didn’t send to him. luckily, my lovely roomie v took it because it had just the right amount of “rasta room.”
she also got a hat i actually made for her
(the yarn is Madeline Tosh Worsted in Oxblood)

the hat that made the cut and got sent out to kevin remains, sadly, unphotographed. *sigh* i promise it exists and is keeping heads warm in east lansing, michigan.

i also started this little lovely
everyone i know seems to be making one of these but i hear there’s some pattern issues and, while i do want a lacey little neckercheif thingy, i dont want one that thousands upon thousands of people are wearing. so, my beautiful yarn will become adrian caron-lacoste’s dandy neckercheif
isn’t this a pretty start?

with half a sleeve to go, next time, hope to see me in a sweater bitches!