
March 27, 2013

as you know,
i give away almost everything i knit.
i try as much as possible to put random positive energy into the universe, since, as @p12tog points out, i’m often an* horribly elitist person, especially when it comes to knitting.

(though i might actually be ok with that)

and since i feel that brighting some random person’s day through the power of the internets is a good investment in my karma because god knows my ubiquitous sarcasm, sass, and bitchiness
require a bit of equilibrium, today’s post
is an attempt at a double dose of karmic balancing.

first, i’m going to give away this boneyard shawl**
DPP_1382(it’s been a bit overcast the past few days)

the yarn is a two-ply fingering-sport weight spun by me
from some into the whirled bfl top i got at rhinebeck back in 2011.
this shawl’s been a loooong time in the making,
what with having to sneak time to spin and knit it
in the 5 free minutes i have every day.

just look at that craftsmanship
DPP_1387ok so maybe i couldn’t get the best macro shot.
just trust me.
it’s very well knit.
i knit it on 7’s and blocked this shit out of it
so it has a great drape and just enough wooliness for you traditionalists.

and here’s where the second dose of good karma comes in-

i rarely ever endorse anything,
(mostly because my readership isn’t large enough to warrant them)
but in this instance, i feel compelled to make an exception.

the short story is a very dear friend of mine in chicago, joshua herrington, started a business called gallerista. i’ve never seen this much drive and passion out of this guy before, and i find i’m quite impressed with his work ethic. recently, he began an indigogo campaign to turn his online business into a brick and mortar enterprise. i decided to blog about it, not just because he’s my friend (because a lot of my friends have some pretty far-out enterprises), but because i believe in supporting both queer-owned business and the arts. neither one has it very easy this days, and since i have no money of my own, really,
i do what i can.

and this is what i can do:
give away my shawl to help him raise some money.

how to win in three easy steps:
1) go to gallerista’s indigogo page and make a donation. my suggested minimum donations is $30 (so that you all can join me at the super secret launch party!) but if you can’t afford 30 dollars, donations in lower denominations are totally fine.

2) share the campaign somehow (tip: there are tools right there on the gallerista indigogo page to help you do that.

3) leave a comment so the random number generator can pick a winner.

i realize we’ve all been flooded with kickstarters and the like.
maybe you don’t even give a shit about queer-owned business or the arts. but i’m pretty sure you do like you some knitting.
so why not spin the wheel?
it’s not every day i spin and knit a shawl!

if you don’t want the shawl
or just don’t feel like donating,
if you could at least tweet or facebook or rav it,
i’ll personally reward you with some karmic princess points.

and if you’re reading this blog,
i’m pretty sure you could use some.

*i even use “an” before h-words.
**can i just say i love this pattern. i may even knit another one.

8 Responses to “gallerista”

  1. Alicia Says:

    I put this up on my facebook and twitter πŸ™‚ It’s a beautiful shawl, the colors are perfect. Saw this mentioned on raverly and had to come by

  2. NanaMamah on Rav Says:

    Wonderful, all the way around. The shawl is gorgeous, your spinning must be amazing, and how great to help out your friend. Yay You!
    NanaMamah on Rav

  3. Sally at Rivendale Farms Says:

    Done! (Yeah, like I could resist a good cause combined with one of your shawls……) Donated and shared on fb, I hope he does well!!!

  4. crystalspin on Rav Says:

    I donated and shared on FB. Hope the cause does well AND I win the shawl! I know I’m supposed to have done it for the good will, but let’s be honest!

  5. Unfortunately, I can’t afford to donate anything (money is tighter than a… I’m not going to go there) but I tweeted a link to the indiegogo page
    I also posted it to my facebook profile, and I sent it to a Chicago author friend who has some impact with a pretty large following.
    Best of luck to everyone who is entering! I wish I could win!

  6. Purlescence Says:

    The handspun yarn is beautiful and the finished shawl is equally as lovely! Very nice job on both! I would love a chance to win it. πŸ™‚

    Purlescence on Ravelry

  7. KathyRo Says:

    Ok people don’t do what I just did: I made a donation which was listed under my name and then left a comment ( for Steven’s drawing ) but the comment came out “Anonymous!” Wah! I can’t edit it or make another public comment without making another donation.

    I suspect this happened because I didn’t create an indiegogo account first. So make sure you do that if you want the two to tie together or at least have the presence of mind to include your name and/or email address in the comment!

  8. Hasol Says:

    Thank you so much for the giveaway~that shawl is gorgeous πŸ™‚

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